
06 June 2013

First Laugh!

While we were taking our 4 month picture Sophia decided to laugh! This is the first time I have heard it. Isn't it the most beautiful sound in the world???


  1. Awww!!! So adorable!! I love how happy you sound in this video! :) My little girl (not quite 4 months) hasn't *quite* laughed yet, though she's been super close for a long while. Every time I think she's about to laugh, she either stops or makes herself cough instead. She'll get it eventually and I can't wait! Btw, we have that same rattle!

  2. Aw! She will get there! This came out of nowhere :) the rattle is what finally did it!

  3. Isn't it the best sound in the world? Wait til they run up to you for a huge hug and then go back to playing. :)

  4. I totally cant wait for that! I cant wait till they want me to chase them around :)
