
Easy DIY giant chalkboard letter

Need a special Christmas gift but don't have a lot of cash? This is a great way to make something awesome with little effort! Chalkboards are all the rage right now so making something into a chalkboard is sure to win you points.
I found myself in a pickle recently as I really wanted to make some family members something awesome (always expect a DIY gift from me!) but had no clue what I was going to do. I originally bought this giant letter to wrap in twine and hang with ribbon for a "wreath". I'm sure you have seen those all over pinterest. As I sat there looking at the twine, I had a feeling this wasn't going to go well. I looked to my right and saw my half empty bottle of chalkboard paint. And Voila! The chalkboard letter was born!
Large box letter- $5.99 at Hobby Lobby with 40% off coupon (I use the app)
Chalkboard paint- $3.99 and lasts FOREVER. Or make your own in any color!
White chalk- or colored for a kiddo
Washi tape- I got mine in a two pack from Hobby Lobby for $1.99.
2" Satin ribbon- $2.99 at Hobby Lobby. Lots left over
1.Paint your letter with two or three coats of chalkboard paint. Letting it dry completely between layers, preferably waiting over night. It was easiest to paint on its side and flipping when dry.
2.Rub the dried letter with chalk and buff off. This will "cure" your paint.
3.Tape a few pieces of chalk on to the letter with your washi tape and tie with a pretty bow!
Enjoy your masterpiece!

This doesn't just have to be for Christmas. Dress this baby up in funky ribbon or paint with colorful chalkboard paint to make a fun birthday or "just-because" present!


Anybody for Bacon-ade?

We had a blast at the fair! More pics after the jump------->


Easter Weekend

Of course this post is late, a week late. But Easter was awesome! After a lovely Christ-filled service at church we headed to my parents where we had a wonderful feast of ham, hash brown casserole, green bean casserole, rolls, salad, fruit salad, homemade sangria and yummy desserts! Here are the few pictures that I took. I cant believe I didn't take more of our 16 person feast! Oh but I did take a picture of the ingredients list for my dessert. That was Natalie's idea so I wouldn't end up at Wal-Mart completely lost. Does that look yummy?


Maybe the Best Day Ever

Today was A-MAZE-ING! After our afternoon nap we went over to my parents place to play. Its nice to have a change of scenery and I only have the car Monday and Friday so we were excited to finally get out of the house! I bought a water table recently but I have yet to find an outdoor rug so the girls don't have to stand on the dirty (and HOT) concrete that is my apartment patio. But Grandma has a baby pool. Actually it's a dog pool that I got for $1 at a garage sale, but who cares. It fits two plump (naked) babies perfectly!

It was really hot today. I think around 90 degrees which is crazy considering we had a freeze on Monday. The girls happily played for an hour in the sun, splashing and trying to fit the whole ball in their mouth with no avail. Half way through we decided it would be much more fun to skinny dip, and I love to see little naked bottoms! They played until I realized that we had completely missed naptime because Lilly was no longer having fun. Basically all of a sudden she was having the worst day ever. So out we went!

Once inside the girls played on the floor for about another hour when all of a sudden... Lilly took steps! I mean, this morning she only used her right foot and went in a circle but at Grandma's she took like five steps! We were so excited, our cries of joy scared the pants off of Sophia! I couldn't wait to show Daddy when we got home.

After an amazing dinner of tacos and ham and cheese grilled cheese sandwiches they took a bath where they obviously weren't tired of being in water again! Then... she walked to him. All 7 steps without faltering! Well, don't get me wrong... there was a lot of faltering; and every time she fell she would laugh so loud! Sophia caught on and started throwing herself down on purpose to join in on the fun! I have to be honest, I was worried they were behind. They are almost 15 months and they weren't walking. But everybody learns at their own pace. I'm sure Sophia wont be too far behind.

Its amazing how parents jump for joy when their child takes their first steps, like they are the first person ever to walk. We all learn to walk but its always an achievement. I mean, hey, she will never crawl again! That is, until she has her own children. All of a sudden I'm filled with a little sadness at the thought of my daughter growing up....


Thursday Adventures

Yesturday was AMAZING! The whole day was filled with awesomeness. The girls got up a 9:30am which, thanks to daylight savings, is wonderful. As we are eating breakfast I remember my friends and their little ones are having a playdate at the park a mile away at 10:30. Whats a girl with no car to do? WALK! That's right I loaded the girls up and walked that mile; filled with up-hill streets, the wind against us, no sidewalks, and crossing busy streets (which if you remember my accident) is a HUGE deal. But that's not all, halfway there we lost a stroller wheel! You know, the ones that have a million different parts? I heard it falter as we went over yet another curb to find a sidewalk and next thing you know we left it behind us. I had to take a 5 minute break to figure how to fix it and luckily I have two front tires, so I had an example to look at.

Phew! We got there and it only took us 30 min. The girls had fun playing at the new park. It wasn't filled with those tiny rocks or pieces of wood, it was very realistic astro-turf! So no choking! It WAS filled with lots of kids and dressed up Mommies. That last part I never get, I must be the only one who has too much to do to dress up for other moms. Anyways... After an hour there we decided we would make the long trip home. As my friends loaded up their kiddos in air conditioned cars, we made our way back in 86 degree weather and the hot Texas sun. Home was much easier and we got there in under 20 min. And the best part is, I discovered a shortcut where I don't have to worry about not having a sidewalk...

Id like to take this moment to say that Texas is so weird. Here I am thinking that it is law that there has to be sidewalks and then it ends and picks up 100 feet down and across the street. Ughhh.

... So nap time was in order when we got back and the girls slept 4.5 hours! I was overjoyed! But that joy didn't last long when at 5 o'clock I went in to see them. Lilly was waving a diaper in the air; it wasn't her diaper. Sophia had somehow managed to get her (poopy) diaper off and hand it to Lilly! Poop and the diaper was in Lilly's crib while Sophia was naked with poop in her own crib. Lovely! It actually made me laugh out loud. It was definitely a first (and not the last) for us!

After a 5 o'clock snack Daddy came home and played with the girls till he was wiped out on the floor with little ones climbing him like a rock. Some family fun time ensued! Dinner was this AMAZING egg casserole that is my Mom's recipe (which the girls wouldn't touch) and finally bed at 8pm. 1.5 hours later than normal! All of us were in bed at 8pm and it was wonderful!


DIY Toy Rotation

 this basket was over flowing!
This has been LOOOOONG overdue. I should have taken a before picture. What was I thinking? The only way to describe it was like living in my own sort of little hell. You probably know how I feel, all those bright NOISY toys that jump out in front of you and make it impossible to walk a straight line to your kitchen? Well this is the end, I say!
Toy rotation always sounded so scary to me. I don't know why, but I could never do it. I looked up a few DIYs on how to do it and they all sounded so complicated! So with some serious effort (and a little smarts) I was able to cut the toys in half. The bonus? My kids are too young to fight with me about why they should keep it.

Step 1: Sell
I took all of the toys that my girls were never interested in or had no value in terms of learning. You know, just those noise makers! Sell, sell, sell! This will give you some money to buy toys that will get used (or a bottle or two of wine for yourself).

Step 2: Separate toys your child has matured from
There are some things like rattles (and this amazing piano barn) that the girls didn't play with anymore because of their age. But these things I wanted to keep for my next kids someday! I removed those second.

Step 3: Separate toys that are too mature for your child
Opposite of step 2 was a little harder because you have to think ahead. I had some tea sets that were beautiful but were just being thrown. They need to be a little older to understand, until then they just made a mess for me to pick up. Also I removed a toy that they drag behind them (as they STILL don't walk) Some other things were princess carriages and cars they don't understand how to use yet. These things go in a bin for later when we can have some real fun!

Step 4: Separate toys that they are tired of
These may be great toys that are still perfect for them at this age! But I swear when they see them again in a month it will be like a brand new toy! Who wouldn't want to save money? Put them in a bin to bring out 2-4 weeks later.

Make sure when you bring out the "new" toys, you put the "old" ones in the bin. Repeat!
I hope this helps you be able to confront the scary mob in your living room as well.



my little Flower
 just look at that cute face (Sophia)
 messy ladies
chillin with Aunt Kelly

I would love to tell you these are recent photos (and look like a responsible blogger) but unfortunately these were taken Sunday before last. I would have posted earlier but I had the WORST weekend ever. It was filled with cleaning up vomit, running to the bathroom, taking care of sick people, and a visit to the ER. Lets just say that I barely survived...

Ok, ok. Back to last weekend. After church we went over to my parents and had a lovely brunch in the backyard! My Mom makes the best tuna salad. The girls were starting to get antsy (and definitely tired) but since I'm a stingy mommy and like family time we "stretched" them a bit (don't worry, they are the most flexible babies ever). What better way than to have some fun? Bring on the water!

We layed out a tarp and filled some containers with water for the girls to play in. With floating balls and kitchen utensils, it was a really great sensory activity! They played for what felt like hours and had all of us cracking up with their little language and interactions. I will definitely do this again. Its nice to keep them cool without the pain of filling a pool or the worry of safety.

Here's to hoping this weekend will be easier!


A Beautiful Day

 sun bathing beauties
 look at those cute faces!

 future tree-hugger

 the ultimate in photobomb
Remember me?
I feel like I never have time for anything lately, especially this. I started this blog in order to keep family and friends up to date on our little family and to post to the world my awesome ideas. But I dont even have time to take a shower. Seriously, I stink. But never the less, I need to stick with it.
This last Saturday we got to enjoy the most BEAUTIFUL day that God created! Finally the temps have reached a perfect mid-seventy. But as always it is now high eighties and I am forced to stay inside once again. Texas weather is awful! But I digress... We went to Torchy's Tacos with some good friends of ours and their little ones! Yummy tacos, I must say! And did I mention a delicious sangria? Oh yes, life is perfect. I just love being out with my handsome husband and our little ladies!
After lunch, in which ALL the girls food ended up on the floor, we went across the street to the Southlake Town Square to hang out. We got ice cream (read: the girls ate all my ice cream) and played in the grass! The girls loved eating the leaves and feeling the trees. When we got home the girls were nice and pink from the sun which reminded me that it is sunscreen season yet again!
What a lovely day!


New Friends at the Zoo