
Happy First Birthday!






 A year ago today, at 7am I woke up and got to enjoy my first long and un-timed shower in 15 weeks. I had to be at the hospital at 9am to prep for my scheduled C-section. I was feeling excited and nervous all at the same time. At the hospital our families were waiting for their new additions. I get really nervous as 12pm rolls around and my doctor is running late. At 12:30 they roll me back to surgery. Tristan couldn't be in the room as they prepped me and made sure I was numb. They forgot to call him back in when my doctor had started the procedure. Poor guy saw everything! At 12:57pm, after a few tugs and pulls they tell me Sophia is here! I couldn't hear any crying and got anxious, asking what was wrong. Tristan said she needed some help breathing; a couple seconds later I heard my child's first cries. I wept. But no sooner could I take in that moment when Lillian arrives at exactly 12:59pm! The doctor held her up over the blue sheet so I could see her beautiful face. So chubby! I was not prepared for such big and perfect babies! I knew this moment I would remember forever but I would not be complete till I held my children. After they sewed me up, they wheeled me back into recovery. I had to wait two hours before I could see them. Their blood sugar was low and they required formula to get their levels back up. I wish I could remember more of when they finally brought the girls to me but I was struggling with the morphine given to me after the surgery. They were perfect! Sophia was 5lbs 2oz and Lillian was 6lbs.
        God showed up in a big way for my children while they were inside of me. 15 weeks of bed rest and the prayers of loved ones made my children healthy and thriving. In this year since they were born I have learned of a love deeper than any other love. I have struggled and succeeded so many times. They are constantly showing me how smart they are and have become best friends along the way! In no way would I ever want just one. One would not have been enough.
Happy Birthday Sophia and Lillian!


11 Months

I cant believe you are almost one years old! You are so beautiful and funny! Lilly, you love to make yourself laugh which makes Mommy laugh too! Sophia you get so excited about things that you tense up like you are getting electrocuted! You are both eating so well and love when Mommy makes you banana pancakes for breakfast. You aren't walking yet but it looks like Sophia really wants to! You both love to play with other babies at the library and go on walks to feed the ducks! I wish you would stop growing!

I cant believe I am so late this time in posting!


New Years at the Zoo



Christmas (a picture post)

Of course in true Mommy style, this post is late. But it doesn't change the fact that we had a wonderful Christmas!

San Antonio with Tristan's Dad:

At Home:

Home with Tristan's Mom: