
09 March 2015


I am having so much fun lately working on new crochet projects. Seriously I think my fingers are going to fall off one day when I go to make a PBJ for the littles. The immense popularity and feedback that I have been getting from my crochet sandals pattern has been enormous and rather humbling! I had no idea that there is an entire crochet cult out there! Its nice to know that I'm not alone.

I wanted to do something special as a thank you for making my pattern and blog a huge success. You deserve it! I am giving away TEN free skeins of yarn from I Love This Cotton! I literally love that yarn, it is so beautiful and so practical. I am dreaming up in my head right now all the possibilities! Below you will find the raffle so please enter and leave a comment telling me what you would crochet (or knit!) with your prize! Make sure you take advantage of all the entry options to give you a better chance of winning! A random winner will be chosen on April 1st (just in time for spring)! Good luck friends!
a Rafflecopter giveaway

A BIG thank you to everyone who entered! You guys rock and I have loved getting to know more about you! If you haven't already, follow me on Twitter and Facebook for more giveaways and free patterns!


  1. I’m a crochet addict, too. It’s nice to know there are more of us out there. My “little people” are all grown up. It goes by way too fast so enjoy (even when you are cross-eyed tired!) and write down the funny stuff – you think you will remember but you won’t (because you are cross-eyed tired!!) We now have a beautiful grandson and my husband is retired. You would think that would leave plenty of time for crocheting but it doesn’t. Most of my crochet time is in the car (when I’m not driving) or waiting in doctors’ offices. This getting older is not for sissies – it is tough. Thanks for blogging; I’m enjoying it.

    1. That is very good advice! I know one day I will look back and they will be all grown up. Such a sad thought! I'm glad you enjoy my blog!

    2. And take lots of pictures!! It's easier now with digital everything but make sure you have stuff stored well or printed up and stashed some place safe! My husband found a box of pictures the other day in the bottom of a closet. We had a blast going through them and doing that "hey, do you remember when...." We discovered that our brand new grandson looks a lot more like his daddy as a baby than either of us realized until we looked at these old pictures....I just saw your post about cloth diapers - we had a diaper service when our first son was born - it was wonderful. We lived in a smaller town for son #2 so no service available so I bought cloth diapers. I hadn't seen anything like what you showed for cloth diapers so I may have to give that a try - and give some to our son and daughter-in-law.

    3. I have to empty my phone once a week, I take so many pictures! But I do need to store them someplace more safe. What if my computer crashes! Cloth diapers were great, but honestly it was too much laundry for two babies! We gave up on it after a year but the great part is that they paid for themselves a couple times over ;) The new ones they have come out with now are awesome and I do totally recommend them!

  2. i am needing to make many many baby items so that is what i would be making!!! i NEED yarn so baaad!!! :D it would be a major blessing to win this! thanks so much :)

    1. Making things for babies is my most favorite reason to crochet! Good luck and thanks for entering!

  3. I'm moving to Vermont and will need to get working on scarves and hats and gloves, oh my! :)

    1. I love Vermont! Its so beautiful up there. You will definitely need those gloves! Thanks for entering and good luck!

    2. I was born and raised in Vermont. Yes, you will need hats, scarves and gloves. (And longjohns and sweaters and....)

  4. You're crochet baby sandals are so stinkin' cute!! I've just become addicted to crochet and am a newbie who can't stop doing it. I'd like to make a patchy colored throw with a coastal look. Thank you for the chance to win.

    1. Thank you for the compliment! You are so brave to make a whole blanket, the thought of that scares me! Thanks for entering!

  5. I would make a lap pad for my grandma for one thing. Or maybe a scarf for myself and my daughter!
    Digicats {at} Sbcglobal {dot} Net

    1. Thanks for entering! What is lap pad? I'd love to see a picture!

  6. I would make something for my sister's baby....a cap, maybe?
    Digicats {at} Sbcglobal {dot} Net

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. A crochet cotton top would be beautiful! Thanks for entering and good luck!

  8. I have seen some cute patterns for little animals for kids. I'd give that a try.
    Digicats {at} Sbcglobal {dot} Net

    1. Thanks for entering again :) My favorite things to crochet are little animals for gifts!

  9. I am a wanna be grandma waiting for a grandbaby. I am teaching myself to crochet since I already know how to knit. I would use the yarn to spoil my first grandbaby.

    1. That made me smile! I hope you get a grandbaby soon! Thanks for entering!

  10. I am a wanna be grandma waiting for a grandbaby. I am teaching myself to crochet since I already know how to knit. I would use the yarn to spoil my first grandbaby.

  11. I realized that I didn't answer the question....but really, I'm not sure. We live in a very rural county (which I dearly love!) so to go shopping takes some time driving, about an hour to get to a city (we can go in three different directions but it is an hour to get anywhere) so I stockpile yarn. That way I usually have something appropriate any time I want to start a new project. I had a box of cotton yarn that I had picked up for making pot holders, but then I came across your pattern and have made five pairs of sandals just this week! I mostly crochet for friends (one friend asked me for three pair of your sandals for baby gifts) and our church bazaar. I also found a cloche hat pattern with flowers that I'm going to try, Crocheting with a heavy cotton thread to make flowers is another adventure I've been enjoying the last week or so - I've made 4 headbands with clusters of crocheted flowers this past week, too. So I really don't know what I would be making out of yarn won in this contest but half the fun is the anticipation and the thinking about it part!

    1. Wow that's a lot of sandals! I bet you could crochet them blindfolded by now :) And yes, thinking up ideas is the best part!

  12. Oh thank you for hosting a giveaway!
    I'd make a dress for my 3yo niece with matching sandals and hat for a summer

  13. Wash/dishcloths, baby shoes and sunhats, and water bottle holders!

    1. Dishcloths are something that I really want to make! Those are great ideas. Good luck!

  14. I love this yarn! haha I remember the first time I was in a Hobby Lobby and found their brand of yarn, and giggled at the name .... but it's true! I do LOVE THIS YARN! And their cotton yarn is divine!!! It's a pleasure to work with! I make a lot of kitty toys for my pet sitter - who is also the local pet rescue group. Acrylic yarn is "ok", but the cotton yarn is so much better for the toys! Kitty claws can grab it - and it doesn't get a fuzzy, lasts longer. Thanks for having this giveaway! :-)

    1. I agree! I think the same thing :) I love that you make kitty toys! I did make a cat toy once but you are right, it got all fuzzy! I will have to try it again with cotton! Thanks for entering!

  15. I will use the yarn to make hats for cancer patients going through chemo/radiation.

    1. That is a beautiful gift! Thank you for entering and good luck!

  16. OMG!!! I love to crochet and make people things but if I win this give away I would make myself a family blanket. Each square would represent a person in my family or friends and I would add a different flower for each of them.

    1. That is a great idea! I have never heard of that before!

  17. I would make some mittens, I think
    Digicats {at} Sbcglobal {dot} Net

  18. this is one of my faves too! I would make some beanies

  19. I would make some nice socks.

    1. Everybody needs a nice pair of socks :) Thanks for entering!

  20. I would make a hat for my sister's baby, or maybe some booties
    Digicats {at} Sbcglobal {dot} Net

  21. I would make a cute blanket for my friend's newborn baby boy.

  22. While filling out the requirements for entry into this (thank you for the chance!) lovely draw, there is no option for sharing it on Facebook :(

    1. Hi Sarah thanks for entering! There is a option but I don't have a link for you click. Instead you can visit my facebook page and click "share" on the giveaway post. Or you can copy the web address and use to share on your status!

  23. If I won, I would make dishcloths, baby bibs, baby sandals, kitchen towel toppers, and pot holders! Good luck to all my fellow fiber artists! :)

  24. I came across a pattern for linen stitch facecloths that would be good in cotton, and we could use a couple more heat pads for sitting tea pots on. Thanks!


    1. Cotton would be great for facecloths! In fact, my wonderful mother made me some the other day :) Good luck!

  25. I would crochet some shorts. Has anyone else seen guys in crocheted shorts. I want some.

  26. I would like to knit a nice spring dress and hat for my 7 month old grand daughter.

    1. Cotton would be perfect for a spring dress!! Thanks for entering!

  27. I would make a baby blanket and booties.

    1. That sounds so sweet! I love little baby booties! Good luck!

  28. I could also start on next winters mittens, hats and scarfs for my grandchildren.

  29. I have no children, but love to crochet for babies and children! I'm planning to make baby blankets to donate to our local hospitals for Moms going home who might not otherwise have blankets, etc. I also have 3 great-nieces and a great nephew for whom I love to crochet!

    1. That is such a sweet idea :) I'm sure plenty of new mommas would love that! How thoughtful you are!

  30. I see a hippie shawl out of these beautiful colors. Even if I don't win I see a trip to hobby lobby in search of these colors.

    1. I can not stay away from the Hobby Lobby yarn section... seriously! I didn't think of making a shawl, that sounds like a great idea! Thanks for entering and good luck!

  31. I would make booties and a matching cap for my niece
    Digicats {at} Sbcglobal {dot} Net

  32. I would probably have enough left to make some mittens for the local power company's winter for kids program that they do yearly. They collect mittens throughout the year and pass them out to those who need them in the fall/winter months.

    1. That is a great program! You must live up north :)

  33. I want to thank you for sharing this awesome baby sandal pattern! I so much appreciate this. I'm a single mom of 4 children, one of which is a quadriplegic, so money is really tight. I learned to crochet when I was 8 and love it! I was diagnosed with cancer and spent many long hours in the cancer ward. It's so sad to see the little ones come in and I became friends with so many other moms and got the joy of learning about them and their children and sharing my story with them. Many of them, such as myself, were living on a limited budget and even the simplest things, such as hats and lovies {little blankies surrounded by a stuffed animal to hug during procedures} put a strain on their budgets. I would make as many chemo caps and lovies as possible with this yarn to donate to these moms to give their children as sources of comfort when mommy couldn't be in the room during radiation. I live in rural Vermont and there are not many organizations around here that offer support to families of children going through cancer treatments. A few days before Christmas, my 2 year old nephew was diagnosed with leukemia and I made him an orange {his favorite color} chemo cap and an orange lovie with a furry {made with Fun Fur} bunny. His mom said he carries this with him to clinic each time and won't leave home without it. The nurses are so sweet....putting a bandage on bunny each time after treatments (: <3 Even if I don't win this contest, I would still like to reach out to everyone and let them know that if they are looking for a place to donate their handmade items,University of VT Children's Hospital in Burlington, VT would welcome any donations of caps and lovies for their young cancer patients. God Bless Rhianna <3

    1. Wow you have a huge heart! That is so wonderful and im sure that each and every family would be so thankful for a little bit of handmade sunshine! How is your cancer now? Ill be praying the Lord heals your sweet little nephew :) Thank you so much for sharing your story and for putting the word out for your hospital! Good luck!

  34. I would like to make a baby poncho!
    Digicats {at} Sbcglobal {dot} Net

    1. Okay so, I was in the line for Joann's yesterday when I saw this great pattern for a poncho (adult of course) and immediately thought that my girls needed one! Great idea!

  35. I'm not sure if my first comment went through so please forgive a double posting. I would make stuff to go on a diaper cake for a friend who is pregnant. Cap, booties, blanket edging, bottle covers, washcloths, rattle toy, teddy bear - maybe more! :o)

    1. Baby things are my favorite to crochet! And moms love them! Those are all great projects for cotton :) Thanks for entering and good luck!

  36. This yarn would be great also for getting a head start on Christmas stuffers like dish clothes and dish towel toppers for hanging.

    1. That's a great project. About 4 years ago I was SO broke (college broke lol) and everyone got ugly scarfs for Christmas. Clearly I had just learned to crochet :)

  37. There are so many wonderful things I would love to make if I won this yarn! My 5 month old daughter would definitely have a new lovie to snuggle with. And my 5 year old daughter absolutely adores crochet skirts.

    1. Great ideas! I never thought to make a crochet skirt! I must give that a try. I am always hesitant to crochet clothing as I get burnt out so easily and I would have to make two of everything!!! Good luck!

  38. My passion is making baby hats and shoes! So this yarn would be so perfect!! Thank you so much for this opportunity and Good luck to all! :)

    1. Your welcome! Baby shoes make me melt :) Good luck!

  39. I would make a lap pad for an elderly neighbor.
    Digicats {at} Sbcglobal {dot} Net

  40. I would make some cute booties for my friend's new baby.

    1. Handmade booties, I have found, make the best presents for new babies :) Moms just love them! Good luck!

  41. This would also be great for making crocheted jewelry. I have seen some real nice patterns available lately.

  42. I would make something funny like a hat for my cat! LOL.
    Digicats {at} Sbcglobal {dot} Net

    1. I love that! I once crocheted a sweater for my cat when I was on bedrest with the twins. It said it would fit a "hefty" cat.... it was too small! My cat is too darn fluffy!

  43. I found some free shoe and sandal crochet directions last night that I would love to make for my 7 month old granddaughter. This yarn would be perfect for that.

  44. My husband's work leaves him exposed to the elements pretty often- this yarn would make some really nice beanie's and scarves to help keep him warm next winter!

    1. That is a very thoughtful idea! Thanks for entering and good luck!

  45. So many options...a shrug, slippers, cowl...

    1. Oooo slippers! That would be fun :) Good luck!

  46. I might try to make socks. I've never tried that before, but why not?
    Digicats {at} Sbcglobal {dot} Net

  47. I would use the Fantasy yarn for something for me, finally! Or the Pink Sparkle for some baby blankets for Project Linus. We have a few ladies that do for Project Linus but they always need more. Also our local Hospice needs more prayer shawls. So that would be on the list also. Thank you for the opportunity. May God bless you.

  48. What to make? What to make? What to make? Well I love the Fantasy color so maybe a summer hat for me. The Pink Sparkle just screams baby shoes and baby hats. The Green Apple I might use for dishcloths, pot holders, towel toppers, kitchen stuff, etc. And the Spring Ombre looks like it would be good for bath items, scrubbies, washcloths, and things like that.

    1. I love the pink sparkle for baby things. I recently crocheted my friends new baby a hat with it! Thanks for entering!

  49. I found some free crochet directions for little girl headbands. They also included different flower directions to choose from and also a butterfly. What a great way to use up left over yarns and to spoil my granddaughter with pretty little girly things!

    1. Sweet! That is a really good idea. In fact, I may make my girls some today :)

  50. I would like to make a new baby blanket for my grandson that was born this past February.

    1. Congratulations! That sounds like a great gift :) Good luck!

  51. Since I volunteered to make hats for newborns and premies at the local hospital, I would make hats and booties for all the newborns.

    1. That is such a sweet cause :) Thanks for entering!

  52. I would love to make some things for my daughter, who is due on May 30th. I just don't have the extra money to go out and buy yarn for myself. :(

  53. Should I win I will make something to give to charity

    1. That is so sweet and thoughtful of you! Good luck!

  54. I would crochet for my 9 grandbabies, such a hard job but someone had to crochet for the little hooligans....I ❤ them.

    1. Your comment made me laugh out loud :) That is a tough job! Thanks for entering!

  55. I am in love with 'I Love This Yarn'. Its the only yarn I care to use. I would use the cotton for washcloths, maybe a crop top for granddaughter. It is by far the best yarn for washcloths, its so soft.

    1. Me too :) A crop top sounds cute. I am afraid to venture into clothing but maybe one day! Good luck!

  56. I was at Hobby Lobby a few weeks ago and felt the texture of I Love This Cotton. It feels wonderfully soft. It's not like the traditional cotton that's stratchy. I would love to make a shawl or a lap-ghan with it.

    1. I know what you mean. It is super soft and crochets so smoothly! Good luck and thanks for entering!

  57. I would make a stroller blanket
    Digicats {at} Sbcglobal {dot} Net

  58. I would make some summer beanies and sunhats for my granddaughters....maybe some skinny scarfs. And then make a bunch of barefoot sandals for my daughters and granddaughters. I looove I Love This Cotton!!!!

    1. Those are great ideas :) Thanks for entering!

  59. Empty of ideas for todays comment but I thought I would pass this along.... I also save my scrap and end pieces of yarn instead of throwing them in trash. After our long winters here I end up with a nice basket full. I mix them with lint from the dryer and then stuff handsfull into an onion bag or into a wire suet hanger and hang them out in the spring near feeders and our birdhouses. The birds love to take pieces of the yarn and lint and take it back to the birdhouses or into the trees to their nests. We love to watch them do this and if it rains it is in such an airy container it just dries out. This is great for any age to watch.

    1. That is seriously awesome! I never would have thought of that. What a great way to help the birds and also to not waist yarn! I would love to see what their colorful little nests look like :)

  60. Love, love cotton yarn! My favorite for sure. Currently making things for a craft show in May. Dishcloth britches,baby crowns, pincushions, hats-all sizes. Love to crochet and would probably do it in my sleep if I could!

    1. I am right there with ya! It is seriously an addiction! Good luck!

  61. Baby hats and blankets!

    1. I love making baby hats! They are so precious and work up quickly... I lack patience for bigger hats :) Good luck!

  62. I would make a towel! I've never done that.
    Digicats {at} Sbcglobal {dot} Net

    1. Wow, a crochet towel! I've never heard of that!

  63. I love to crochet. I will probably make small blankets or hats from this yarn.

    1. Me too :) Keeps my hands busy! Thanks for entering!

  64. I think I would make a few small spa towels, scrubies, etc. to give as gifts for games at my little sister's bridal shower. And maybe a sleep sack for my friend's baby due in Oct. A nice cotton sackie would keep baby cozy.

    1. That's a great idea for a shower! And a sleep sack sounds awesome, I never thought to crochet one :) I am getting so many good ideas from everyone! Good luck!

  65. I have found a few really cute outfits for the 18 month old granddaughter--not that she needs any more clothes, but at least a couple of them could be used for jumpers in the fall as well--just have to make certain she won't outgrow them right away.

  66. oh i need this!!! i am trying to make baby items! :)

  67. I would try making mittens or gloves
    Digicats {at} Sbcglobal {dot} Net

  68. I would make a Spring shawl or lap blanket.

  69. I would use them for making my grandsons some special pieces - they especially love the blankets and hats and socks. :)

  70. Hi Rhianna, thank you for the opportunity to win some yarn, yay I have picked up the hook again after 15 years to make items for my daughters dog rescue to help with donations. My favorite item is the hobo or beach bag in cotton. Would love to start making rugs too. Everything is so much better these days than way back then with little internet opportunities, lol Just love the technology to find so many people that love crafts and help others, is amazing !!!!

  71. Not sure, too many options. Right now I'm learning about crochet animals and I like. Or maybe dishcloths.

  72. I'd really love to work on my dishcloth skills, but I will probably end up making a sweet little stuffed animal for my nephew.

  73. I create ami designs and I would absolutely use it to make a cute lil creature! Thank you for the opportunity! :)

  74. I really love making baby things! I have 6 Grands & I'm always on the hunt for new things to make them! I am so happy there are smart gals like you that comes up with patterns for all of us! I have been making hats to donate to the NIC Unit that my newest Grandson was in last goal is 200 & I will give them in Sawyer's name this October! I hope to continue doing this for as long as possible. That's for the chance to win some yarn!

  75. Probably market bags or I'd get a start on an afghan CAL. I just learned to crochet a few weeks ago...before that I knitted and my stash is 99% variegated and striped yarns and I am in desperate need of some solid colors to do mandalas with! :)

  76. I would make items for sale at a spring fundraiser at church in support of our pet ministry.

  77. Thank you for this opportunity! I've been wanting to make a blanket with one motif to represent each of my children and each of my grandchildren! I've crocheted blankets for each of them, but really would like something for myself that would be a treasure for many years to come.
    I would most likely crochet a lap blanket for my mom whose legs are always chilled: she lives in Assisted Living now, and that would be something she'd be tickled to receive!
    Thank you for all you share with us!!!

  78. I really appreciate this post. I have been looking all over for this!. You have made my day! Thank you again. Meet random people.
