
The Joy of New Fabric

our first cart ride
 someone is always frowning
 this always makes me happy
mmm... the sound of new scissors cutting new fabric

Today we ventured to Joann's Fabrics; a place I dread. They rearranged their store so I cant find anything and they never EVER have enough cutters at the counter. But we found some awesome fabric that I couldn't live without! It was Sophia and Lillian's naptime so they were getting fussy. But Mommy is never afraid to embarrass herself in public in order to keep things calm! Sophia laughed and laughed as she watched me do jumping jacks while I perused the fabric (a skill I didn't know I had). Grandma was pushing Lilly who wouldn't even smile! The best part was I found these awesomely sharp Fiskar's scissors on sale! All in all I think the little ladies enjoyed their first time in a shopping cart. Time to sew!


Perfect Weather

The word is ahead of us...
Ready to go!
 I love Sophia smiles
Lilly loves her straps
It's beautiful back here!
 an impromptu photoshoot

 snack time!
The moment I woke up I could sense the beautiful weather waiting for us outdoors! I got through this morning as best I could and was waiting excitedly to go for a walk (for the first time in months). I packed grapes, cheese, a banana and baby puffs for along the way. I figured I would leave the girl's helmets off, so their little smelly heads could air out! We took our usual path through the woods, down the beautiful trail and also discovered a new path! There was tall trees hanging overhead, little squirrels scurrying into the bushes as we went past, and lots of little (and big) turtles basking in the warm sun. I hope everyday is like this!


Crochet Monster

I just love this monster! This made a great gift for a little boy named Ryland on his 1st birthday! You can find the FREE pattern here! You can get super creative and make one for a girl as well!



8 Months

You both have learned so much this month! Sophia was the first to get up on her hands and knees and start rocking! Now Lilly can do it and that is how you both prefer to sleep, like little inch worms! Lilly, you can sit up unsupported while Sophia prefers to lay on her tummy. Momma started teaching you some sign language and you seem to be picking it up pretty quick! Mommy figured out that if she nibbles your thighs, you will laugh! We also got your helmets this month and Mommy painted them with pink polka dots. You don't mind them at all! We have started to let you play in the bath together and it is really cute to see you interact! Sophia has her first tooth! Sophia, you are also really noisy and loves to hear your own voice! You also roll all around the living room and cant sit still! When you are fussy sometimes Mommy just has to sign you "Rock-a-bye Baby" and you quiet right down and smile!