
DIY Baby Shower Guestbook

Whew! The month of baby showers is finally over! Lots of fun was had and lots of blessings given. Through most of the showers, my responsibility was to make the guest book! I love these kind of projects and the latest was my favorite! Although I wish I was equipped with something better than my iphone for pictures! Here I will share with you how I made this lovely floral one:

11x14 frame
Gray (or chosen color) acrylic paint
Paint brush
Poster board cut to 11x14
Small flowers
Elmer's glue

The frame was $10 from Hobby Lobby with my 40% off coupon. The flowers were also from Hobby Lobby in the scrap booking section; I used two packs

Step one: Dry brush your frame with the gray paint. Make sure to keep it uneven so it looks aged.

Step two: Print out your large letter and tape it to a sunny window (or use a light table). Tape your cut poster board over top with the letter centered in the middle.

Step three: Glue your flowers over the silhouette letter. Elmer's glue works really well if you use just a little bit per flower. Allow to dry.

Let people sign it using silver or black pens before you put it in the frame. Do not put the thick back on the frame if you are using the glass as it wont fit with the layers of flowers. You can use it (if you want to stand it up on a table) without the glass and it still looks great!

The mama-to-be will love this pretty time capsule of blessings!


  1. We are expecting our 3rd grandbaby, I'm so excited and the gender will be a surprise. Myself and Friends are putting together an unforgettable shower. I just happened upon this site while I was searching for ideas. This guest sign in idea is just amazing! Thank You for sharing.

  2. Hello! Which font did you use for the letter? Thank you!
