
Three Months

Time is flying by! You both smile at Mommy and Daddy all the time. You are getting more control over your hands and now rub your eyes when you are sleepy. You like to lay on your play mat and smile at the little hanging toys. You even kick your arms and legs in excitement! Mommy and Daddy are starting to feel really tired. You are awake so much more now, so Mommy is always busy! You are always getting out of your swaddles! We walk in at night and see you laying there nude! It makes Mommy smile. We like to go for walks around the pond while Daddy is at work. Your hair is coming in really nice! But we cant put a bow in it yet. Sophia, you are still smaller than your sister but just as strong! You both think you're six months old and try to sit up on your own! Lilly, you almost rolled over! We think you weigh 11 and 12 pounds! Double your birth weight! As much as we want you to stop growing right now, we can't wait to see what changes are next!


Couch Pillow Makeover

Lately I have been feeling like my life lacks color. You know what I mean? That everything around me is brown. My walls, my furniture, my couch, my floor. What's a girl to do? Sew pillows of course!
Do you have one of those couches that comes with those ugly, monotone, pillows that come stock? If you do you will also notice that you can not remove the cover. So if you spill something on it you gotta throw it in the wash and wait 10 years for it to dry. NO MORE! Here is a tutorial on how to sew an easy-peasy pillow cover! This is only one pattern piece so you can do this SUPER fast and add color to your life :)
What you'll need:
Ugly pillow
Front fabric (I used cotton duck)
Back fabric (I used a yellow sateen, but you can use the same as front)
Drafting Paper (freezer paper works awesome!)
2 Buttons (optional)
Tip: If using same fabric for whole pillow you will need 1 1/2 yard for two 18.5" pillows.
Step 1:
Measure your pillow and write down your measurement.
Mine was 18.5" x 18.5".
Step 2:
Use your drafting paper to make pattern.
Take measurement from one side, divide in half and add 2.5".
For example my pattern is now 18.5" x (9.25"+2.5").
Draw your rectangle using straight edge of paper as top of pattern (easy trick).
Draw dotted line 2.5" from top edge (you will fold on this line for front piece).
Add 1/2" seam allowance on the 3 sides (excluding the top).
Cut out.
Step 3:
Cut two of unfolded pattern piece out of back fabric.
Fold on dotted line. Using fold for center of pillow, trace the bottom 3 sides, flip piece on folded line and trace three sides again.
Warning! Do not trace folded line or you will have a line up the middle of your fabric.
Cut out front piece.
Step 4:
Zig-zag stitch one long edge of your back fabric (or you can use a serger).
Fold to wrong side 1.5" and iron (or in my case, use a hair straightener).
Stitch down. This makes one side of the back opening.
Repeat on second back piece.
Step 5:
Place both front and back pieces right sides together (opening will overlap).
Pin. (I forgot to say that you may want to iron your fabric first, I don't have an iron, silly right?)
Step 6:
Sew all the way around at 1/2".
Step 7:
Zig-zag (or serge) the edge all the way around. This make a nice clean edge that wont fray.
Step 8:
Turn right side out and Iron flat.
Insert Pillow!
Optional: Sew 2 button holes and buttons to keep the opening together better. Not necessary but it could be cute with coordinating buttons. I'm sure ill get around to it!
I hope you enjoyed this pattern and am wishing all of you a life full of color :)








Southern Cornbread Casserole

I was out and about 9 hours today with the girls so tonight I needed something easy for dinner. Tristan has been asking me to make corn casserole but I was too lazy to make something to go with it for protein. I looked in my freezer and threw in some sausage! Voila! The most magnificent taste was born! This was delish! And did I mention SUPER easy? It has a little kick to it that I love!
1 box Jiffy cornbread mix
1 egg
1/2 can creamed corn
1/2 can chopped green chilies (3.5 oz.)
1 1/2 cups shredded cheddar cheese
1 lb. roll mild pork sausage
1. Disregard all directions on cornbread box.
2. Brown sausage in pan over medium heat. Drain excess liquid.
3. Mix together cornbread mix, egg, creamed corn, green chilies, and cheese. Add sausage and mix.
4. Bake in a casserole dish at 400 degrees for 20 minutes.
5. Enjoy!


Lemon Chicken Tortellini Bake


1 pkg cheese tortellini
1 Tbs butter
2 chicken breasts (cut into small pieces)
1 cup sliced mushrooms
1 jalapeño
Parmesan cheese for topping

1 Tbs butter
1 Tbs flour
1/4 cup chicken broth
1/4 tsp pepper
1 tsp garlic salt
3/4 cup milk or whipping cream (richer)
1 clove garlic, minced
1/2 block cream cheese, softened
1 Tbs lemon juice (or more to taste)

1. Cook tortellini in boiling salted water according to package directions, drain and set aside.
2. Meanwhile, on medium heat melt butter in skillet. Add chicken and mushrooms, and cook about 5 minutes or until chicken is no longer pink and mushrooms are tender. Remove from skillet leaving behind any excess liquid.
3. In medium pot melt butter on medium heat. Add flour and stir till it bubbles. Whisk in chicken broth, pepper and garlic salt till it thickens. Next add the cream or milk, garlic and cream cheese and whisk till combined. Add lemon juice to your taste.
4. Chop jalapeño and toss all ingredients together with sauce to coat.
4. Bake, covered, in a 350 degrees F oven for 30 to 35 minutes or until heated through. Stir mixture and sprinkle with Parmesan cheese. Makes 4 servings.

Make ahead, cover and chill up to 24 hours. Bake, covered, in a 350 degrees F oven about 55 minutes or until hot.


A New Swaddle

So the girls keep getting out of those pesky Swaddle Me things. Every 5 minutes I have to fix it. So here is my solution! This only cost me $7 to make! It has a double zipper so I can change their diapers without unswaddleing them. It also has snaps at the arms so when the time comes that we have to swaddle them with one or two arms out, I dont have to get a whole new swaddle! And I got to pick the print I wanted :) What do you think? Lilly is my model!


Two Months

You are changing so much! You get attention wherever you go! Lilly, you are starting to smile at us when we make funny faces; we are still working on Sophia! You are sleeping 6 hours a night which makes Mommy and Daddy happy but we can see you having bad dreams because you make funny faces and noises! You can hold your heads straight up without wobbling, you are so strong! You have almost doubled your weight and you make new sweet sounds everyday! Your skin is so soft that Mommy and Daddy could kiss it right off!