
Three Months

Time is flying by! You both smile at Mommy and Daddy all the time. You are getting more control over your hands and now rub your eyes when you are sleepy. You like to lay on your play mat and smile at the little hanging toys. You even kick your arms and legs in excitement! Mommy and Daddy are starting to feel really tired. You are awake so much more now, so Mommy is always busy! You are always getting out of your swaddles! We walk in at night and see you laying there nude! It makes Mommy smile. We like to go for walks around the pond while Daddy is at work. Your hair is coming in really nice! But we cant put a bow in it yet. Sophia, you are still smaller than your sister but just as strong! You both think you're six months old and try to sit up on your own! Lilly, you almost rolled over! We think you weigh 11 and 12 pounds! Double your birth weight! As much as we want you to stop growing right now, we can't wait to see what changes are next!


  1. Since writing my other comment on your shoe pattern, I've been enjoying all the other entries in your blog! Your girls are going to love reading all of this someday! What a delightful gift you're giving to them. Love the maternity photos you guys did...just adorable. An all over delightful blog...thanks for letting this 55 year old live vicariously in your baby adventures. It was just the blink of my eye that I was your age and having similar experiences (but with one baby, not two). My baby is now 24, but still my little girl! Hugs, Annette

  2. Thanks for reading Petunia! I'm glad you enjoyed it :) oh and I LOVE your name!
