
A New Swaddle

So the girls keep getting out of those pesky Swaddle Me things. Every 5 minutes I have to fix it. So here is my solution! This only cost me $7 to make! It has a double zipper so I can change their diapers without unswaddleing them. It also has snaps at the arms so when the time comes that we have to swaddle them with one or two arms out, I dont have to get a whole new swaddle! And I got to pick the print I wanted :) What do you think? Lilly is my model!


  1. Just wanted to let you know that I love this! You should totally make a pattern and post it... or you could even sell the pattern! (I would buy it) You thought of everything! And such cute fabric. I especially love that you can swaddle with arms out or in and the fact that you can change their diaper without unswaddling - perfect for nighttime changes. I use the Swaddle Me wraps too and so far my girlie hasn't gotten out of it, but I have found her knee sticking out of the hand hole before...

  2. Perhaps I will! I really hate sewing with knits so maybe selling the pattern would be a good idea!

  3. I'm sure the swaddle me is very handy...but Lilly is just beautiful!!!
    I don't even remember how I came across your blog but it was for your crochet pattern for the baby sandals. I will have a new granddaughter in May and would like to make them for her. My husband just bought me a sewing machine a couple of weeks ago (I haven't sewn anything in over 20 years-probably more like 30) but I would like to attempt it again in my retirement. Maybe your swaddle me would be something to try. It does sound like it would be very handy.

    I just have to tell you though....you made the most beautiful bride and you sound like such a lovely person. I went all the way back to the beginning of your blog and read every post. It was so awesome to read all about the babies as they were growing and to see pictures of you too. The pictures you had taken of you and Tristan you when you were off bed rest came out beautiful. You will be so glad you have them. I especially love the one where you have your hands on each other's bumm's.

    It sounds like you have a truly wonderful husband and a blessed life even though I'm sure rest is in short supply right now. Also, you went through a very rough patch with that hit and run accident. I find it horrifying that anybody could do something like that and hope they somehow found the person responsible even though I know how unlikely that is. However, I do believe in a true and just God and I believe this person will pay.

    For a total stranger I have blabbed on enough. Thank you for sharing your pattern...I look forward to making these soon. Also thank you for sharing your life. Your outer beauty is there for all to see but your inner beauty shines through in your writing.

    Take Care & God Bless,

    1. Thank you for the sweet words! I almost cried! You are a gem Cheribella :)

  4. I think you should write this up as a pattern for sale as well. This one is quite different from any I have looked at making for my granddaughter! You have beautiful girls and Congratulations!

  5. Thanks! I think I will! It's just crazy with twins to get anything really done!

  6. Genius! I wish I would've had these with my girls. They got out of their burritos quite often. Please do sell the pattern or kit even.
