
Cloth Diapering

I received the girls new diapers in the mail! I have been dying to see them! Aren't these the cutest things ever? I ordered 30 of them from a co-op for a STEAL! I tried to go gender neutral as much as possible (mainly I just HAD to have the dinosaur print) just in case we have a boy next, but we had to have some pink too! They are Alva brand and the girls just love them. I mean look at those cute tushies:
I will be doing another post soon about what kinds of diapers, inserts, and nighttime diapers we use.

1 comment :

  1. Looking forward to hearing more about this! I considered cloth diapering but it seemed too complicated with daycare. Now even though I've decided to stay at home, I am still using disposables because they are so darn convenient!
