
Banana Applesauce Pancakes


Yesterday was an awesome day! It was our first breakfast at our new dining table! I'm so glad that I don't have to feed the girls sitting on the floor anymore. So, to memorialize the day I decided to make something extra special. With the girls in their chairs nibbling on a few cheerios, I made the yummiest pancakes ever! The best part was the girls DEVOURED them! I even made a large pancake for myself. When they were  done I just refrigerated the left overs and they were perfect cold for breakfast this morning. 
Banana Applesauce Pancakes
1 cup pancake mix
1 rip banana
1/2 cup applesauce
3/4 cup water (or milk)
Add mix to bowl
Add banana and mash with fork until small chunks are left
Add applesauce and water till you get the right consistency
Makes 8ish mini pancakes.

If you want to make this for an infant (or two!) for breakfast, let cool and cut up into small squares before you serve!


10 Months

You girls are changing right before my eyes! You both are now crawling all over the place! You also like to pull up on anything you can find and Mommy watches you talk to each other while you stand in your cribs! You both have mastered the "Indian" call which is so sweet to watch you do. Lilly, you like to do "feather fingers" where you sweetly brush back and forth whatever you are touching. You also like to scream at the top of your lungs! Sometimes it startles Mommy! Lately you are laughing at everything and everyone while your sister seems to have gotten a little more reserved and prefers to chirp like a little bird. It is so much fun watching you girls interact with each other. Especially when you keep stealing each others pacifiers! You will laugh and play if Mommy puts you in the same crib and you like to follow each other around the house! You even shared Santa's lap and just stared at him! This month will be your first Christmas and Mommy and Daddy are so excited!


First Snow

This weekend was the girls first snow! Tristan disagrees, he said that this is not snow, it's ice. True, it does not fall apart and did not fall as pretty white fluff. When you walk on it, it is hard and crunchy. I can hear it cracking. A similar sound to ice cracking on a pond below your feet (which I never hope to hear). All in all I refuse to believe it is not snow. After all, this is Texas and days like this are limited so I will take full advantage. It is about 20-something degrees outside. I look forward each year to the one or two days we like this we get but since it is "ice", we are cooped up here like prisoners! The girls had fun watching Daddy run ahead and slide on the slippery sidewalk. He even pushed them up a tall hill and slid down with them like a sled! It was so sweet seeing little red noses and mittened hands.
When we got home Daddy lit us a nice warm fire and the girls played until they were warmed up. Today is much of the same, except we are going to decorate the Christmas tree at my parents house. My favorite as we get to unwrap all of the weird handmade ornaments and souvenirs picked up along the way; reminiscing each time one is revealed out of its year long storage in newspaper. I hope everyone is having a safe and warm December so far. And don't forget the REASON for the season!


A Thanksgiving Away

The girls did great in the car ride down to New Braunfels, probably because we left at 6:30pm and they were already sleepy. Unfortunately the car ride back was filled with breaks and my back was killing me from having to turn around in the car to put pacifiers back in! It was a great trip and we all enjoyed spending time with Poppi and Grandma. They sent us home with lots of Thanksgiving left overs so we get to relive it this week! Yum!

On Sunday before we left town we stopped by Gruene. It's my favorite place in the state! Old Antique shops and boutiques. But the best is the Gristmill, a really old mill overlooking the river that was turned into a restaurant!
 no more fighting over the walker
 Lilly Flower
 Grandma and cousin Riley!

our first Vanilla Wafers!
 wine punch

my favorite part (mmmm... rolls)
what happens when I try to get all of us in a shot
 Gruene, Texas

 lunch at the Gristmill



A Thanksgiving at Home

 they actually liked tomatoes

 homemade stuffing
 my mother is a prepared kinda gal!
 appetizers (and Marlo's crazy good pimento spread)

 notice how moms are never in the pictures? It's a good thing they have an auntie who looks like me!
 rising parmesan bread
 the only picture I got of the turkey

 I got stuck with "wash dishes"

We were so lucky to get to celebrate two Thanksgivings this year! All the extra food wasn't even the best part (although I was excited about that), it was that we got to spend lots of time with family we don't get to see too often.

For Thanksgiving day we spent it with my family in North Texas. I went over to my parent's house the day before to get everything prepared. The girls ate so much food I thought they were going to get sick! After dinner to had homemade pumpkin pie and yummy lemon bars. I am so grateful for our family for this wonderful holiday. I know one year I will have to cook the turkey myself but luckily that duty is a little ways off! I just hope I don't have to wait till next year for the yummiest Sweet Potato Soufflé in the world (thanks Mommy)!

We left the next day for New Braunfels, TX to spend a second Thanksgiving with Tristan's family! Click here for pictures of our trip!